11. Annex 2. AI Agent Code

In the AI Agents for OSM functionality, AI Agents are built using the same approach as the configuration file used to run them. There is an orchestrator and a set of interfaces that implement each section of the configuration file.

    - active: True
        endpoint: ""
        endpoint: ""
        function_name: evaluator
        logic: "evaluator = lambda x: True if x['predictions'][0][0] >= 0.8 else False"

11.1. AI Agent Orchestrator

class aiagent.agent.AIAgent

Orchestrator that executes proactive scaling for a VNF in a scheduled job running inside the EE of OSM

request_scale_action(operational_data, ai_result)

Final action that the AIAgent triggers. Currently supporting Scaling action

  • ai_result (bool) – Result from the evaluation of the threshold with the output of the AI Model

  • operational_data (dict) – Relevant information obtained from OSM


Main method that executes a single sequence of the AIAgent workflow. Extract monitoring metrics –> feed metrics to AI Model –> evaluate AI Model output with threshold

11.2. Interfaces

Model Interface

class aiagent.interfaces.model_interface.ModelInterface(model_d)

Interface for the parameterization, configuration and request to the AI Model server.


model_d (dict) – dictionary of the selected model, in which you can find the endpoint of the model you will work with


AI evaluation Requests the forecast from the AI Server and stores it in the forecast data


model_input (dict) – metrics data to feed to AI Model

Returns (dict): Returns the requested data from the execution of the AI Model


Check that the AI Model Server is accessible.

Monitoring Interface

class aiagent.interfaces.monitoring_interface.MonitoringInterface(monitoring_d, operational_data)
__init__(monitoring_d, operational_data)

Interface to extract monitoring metrics that will be fed to an AI Model

  • monitoring_d (dict) – dictionary from which the endpoint is obtained

  • operational_data (dict) – Relevant information obtained from OSM


Exposed method to request monitoring metrics from the configured endpoint

Returns (dict):

metrics {‘instances’: metrics_l}

Threshold Interface

class aiagent.interfaces.threshold_interface.ThresholdInterface(threshold_d)

Class in charge of evaluating the AI Result from a AI Model using a user defined threshold.


threshold_d (dict) – Configuration dict extracted from the AI Agent values.yml


AI Forecast evaluates Forecast Data by the threshold defined in helm charm


forecast_data (dict) – data of the chosen model

Returns (bool): Evaluation of the threshold defined